
Democracy is a work of art maturana
Democracy is a work of art maturana

In this environment of despair, the responsibility for the task of education is passed from one to another, without anyone assuming responsibility. Control is the relational dynamic from which oneself and others arise denied capacities and talents, narrowing viewpoints, intelligence, and creativity, generating dependence, from which autonomy and self-respect are not possible. Parents, teachers, the State… we try, from this environment of mistrust to do what we do and obtain what we wish through control. From this emotional backdrop comes the lack of respect for oneself and for others. Control that submits … submission that demands obedience … obedience that generates fear and insecurity. Let us think seriously: What are we doing? How are we doing it? And who is doing it? Upon reflection, we see that we are immersed in a way of doing things in this patriarchal- matriarchal culture stemming from distrust and control. These are signs that something serious has damaged our living together. Drug use has penetrated the school environment that was before “an area of safety for children” as well as universities that were “areas for research and creation” for the young.

democracy is a work of art maturana

Violence that is exhibited both between young people and toward their professors. It is with alarm that we note the extent to which violence has increased in schools and universities, both public and private. We are exposed to high levels of demand in the search for success. We live in a culture centered on relations of domination and submission.

democracy is a work of art maturana

I propose to do so from an understanding of the relational dynamic of the biology of knowing and the biology of loving, or the biological matrix of human existence. It seems to me important to reflect on questions that arise around the task of education. The responsibility for education: whose court is the ball in? What is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education? VIRTUAL EMOTIONS or living reflections in the classroom?.DO WE EDUCATE FOR SELF-CONTROL, SELF-DEMANDS …Īt home, in school, in the community, the biosphere, homosphere, cosmos?.

democracy is a work of art maturana

Work of art in living together in mutual respect The responsibility for education: whose court is the ball in?.

Democracy is a work of art maturana